HORIZON EUROPE project CEE2ACT Empowering the Central and Eastern European Countries to Develop Bioeconomy Strategies and Action Plans (project ID: 101060280, 2022-2025)
3DForEcoTech Three-dimensional Forest Ecosystem Monitoring and Better Understanding by Terrestrial-based Technologies
Urban Tree Guard – Safeguarding European Urban Trees and Forests Through Improved Biosecurity (UB3Guard) COST ACTION CA20132
MARGISTAR - EU COST Action, launched to further sustainability in mountainous regions
Ministry of education, science and technological development
Ministry of agriculture and environmet protection
City of Belgrade, City secretariat for environment protection
Faculty of forestry
Institute for lowland forestry
Public company Serbia forests
Public company Vojvodina forests
Mining basin Kolubara
Service for environment protection
National park Kopaonik
National park Djerdap
National park Tara
National park Fruska gora